
Thursday, December 31, 2015

BDF Called to the Bar

BDF Officer Called to the Bar
A group of proud relatives, Belize Defense Force soldiers, friends across the country and admirers throughout the reach of social media shared a collective smile after Liutenant Lionel Olivera was called to the Bar Association of Belize on Tuesday, December 22, 2015. Lt. Olivera is the first active soldier of the Belize Defense Force to be called to the Bar. He was driven to study law after a comrade was charged and prosecuted for manslaughter in a matter he believes the force should have been in a better position to provide legal assistance. This motivated the Jesuit educated soldier to apply for enrollment in the law program at the University of the West Indies. Olivera graduated from UWI, Bridgetown Barbados in 2012 and was later accepted into the prestigious Norman Manley Law School in Kingston, Jamaica. Throughout his legal studies he was a unifying force among the Belizean student population, admired by observers and loved by friends. “Juniah”, as he is affectionately called, worked diligently to be successful in his studies. He and the other Belizeans in his program made a pact that they would all make it to the finish line. That group is well on its way and Olivera’s Call is one that is celebrated by the entire brotherhood.

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